A couch potato

I finally added information on the individual pages of our three dogs, including Silva, who passed away in 2008. It was lovely to go trough old photos of her and this one is definitely one of my favourites.

Silva was as much a couch potato as a border collie can be. If it was a rainy day, she just yawned on the couch and didn't bother to come out for a walk. I dig in to the archives and post more memory-filled photos later.
It has been wonderful four days, even if both us and the dogs thought that the weather has been a bit too warm. Sepe has been crawling in our stream cooling himself and catching bubbles. Syyti has mostly just kept eye on him, except once, when he reached a bit too far and fell into the water. As water is very shallow, he climbed up fast, and has stayed on the shore ever since.

Today, Syyti started his training for a tracking dog when Pasi made a first "sausage square" for him. Syyti ate about half of the sausage pieces before Pasi took him away. Sepe got to eat the rest of the treats.

Sepe and Syyti are getting better and better along every day. For a couple of days now, Sepe has played with Syyti even indoors, not just outside. We are truly greatful that he takes care of Syyti's morning and evening hullabaloos, and thus saves our nerves.

From time to time, Sepe seems to treat Syyti quite roughly but, occasionally, the little one gets on the top, too.

Mayday Weekend

Syyti had a lot of new experiences during the Mayday weekend. On Saturday we first met his "granny" Pirkko and "aunt" Maija at Haukipudas market place. There were a crowd and log of noise but gradually Syyti got used to them. Later, when we went to Muhos to see the motorcycle parade, he was not at all frightened by the roar of the bikes, nor the crowd.

On Sunday, we were visited by Noppa the Finnish Lapphund and her family. Syyti and Noppa rallied around the yard and the house for a couple of hours, and besides playing, Syyti got a chance to practise big boys games ;) Noppa got tired first, but after she left, Syyti slept through the afternoon and night. More visitors like this, please.

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