A little sheepdog

Yesterday, Syyti saw sheep for the first time when we participated the herding class for young wannabe-sheepdogs. I was gladly surprised when he was more interested in sheep than their poop. In truth, he ate some poop, too.

First, I took Syyti around the pen in a leash, after the sheep. I took Syyti out as soon as he showed the first signs of tiredness. He's still so very young and his span of attention is extremely short.

As Syyti didn't show any fear or aggression towards the sheep, I could let him free for a couple of times when he attempted to go around the flock. During the second session, Minna held Syyti while I walked in front of the sheep. As for the handling, I need at least as much practise as Syyti does.

There were four other young border collies training herding, too. It was instructive to watch them, but it was sheer magic to see a puppy, younger than Syyti, running with her tail high and a minute later finding her herding instinct and starting to eye the sheep in a traditional BC pose. If I get a permission from the owner, I'll post the photos of the magical moments here.
On Thursday I took Syyti for his first "official" obedience class. A half-an-hour session was fun for both of us. Afterwards, Syyti played with one of his "classmate", an eight months old Border Terrier.

Syyti has grown fast. During the last four weeks he has gained 3 kg and now he weighs already 10 kg. Luckily, Sepe still outweighs him easily and there's no hierarchy problem in sight, yet. I surely do hope that Syyti won't grow up too fast and too strong-minded as then there will be trouble ahead, for sure.

But, for the time being, the two are living happily together. It's wonderful to see how Sepe enjoys playing with Syyti. He's acting like a young dog, running around and teething the little fellow.

And I'm so very happy that we now have a real garden for the dogs. A year ago we still lived in the one-bedroom apartment with a tiny backyard. But then, we found our home. I disagree with a Finnish proverb "Kell' onni on, se onnen kätkeköön" which means that one should not show her happiness. I'm happy and so are the dogs, apparently...

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