And we are back... it just took some time. Meanwhile, the autumn slipped past and winter seems to be coming.

It snowed first time a couple of weeks ago. I took dogs to the field where one of the old sheds that used to belong to Vänttilä farm stands. Well, it looks a bit beaten-up, but, it will protect our firewood from rain and snow for coming years. We got a huge pile of birch trunks from a friend. Now the pile needs to be chopped into logs...

After I took the photo above, I let the dogs run free and hunt mice and voles and such. Then, suddenly, there was a wedge of whooper swans flying over the field. Even if I don't have a telephoto lens, I caught the beautiful birds as they flew low enough.

1 kommenttia:

    Upea otos joutsenista!


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