Syyti, 1 year

Today, it is Syyti's birthday. Syyti did not celebrate his birthday in any special way, but it was a fun day for him, anyway, as he went for a skiing trip with Pasi. Here is a video shot by Pasi (with his "hat camera") during a similar skiing trip a couple of weeks ago.

Exactly one year ago, Syyti was the firstborn puppy in the litter of five, given birth by Willa and sired by Pixi. Greetings to Mommy and Daddy, as well as to all the siblings: Kinna, Iina, Nappi, and Kloppi with their families. And special thanks to Miia, the breeder of the pack! The youngest member of our family have proved to be just what we wished for...

1 kommenttia:

    Paljon onnea Syytille <3
    t, Noppa perheineen


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